How to Refresh Specific Migration in Laravel

To refresh specific migration in laravel; In this tutorial, we will talk how to refresh specific migration in laravel 10, 9, 8, 7 apps.

Laravel provides a migration system to manage database schema changes. Migrations allow developers to define database tables, columns, indexes, and other schema elements in code and version control the changes. Laravel migration system provides an easy way to migrate and rollback changes in a database. In this article, we will discuss how to refresh specific migration in Laravel.

Refresh Specific Migration

Sometimes, developers want to revert the changes made by a specific migration file. Refreshing a specific migration file means rolling back the migration and then re-running it. Here are the steps to refresh a specific migration in Laravel:

  • Step 1: Rollback Specific Migration
  • Step 2: Refresh Specific Migration

Step 1: Rollback Specific Migration

To rollback the specific migration, we need to use the migrate:rollback command. The command will revert the latest migration batch by default. However, we can use the step option to specify how many migration batches we want to rollback. To rollback a single migration batch, we can use the following command:

php artisan migrate:rollback --step=1

In the above command, we have specified to rollback only one migration batch. The migration system will execute the down method of the last executed migration file in the batch.

Step 2: Refresh Specific Migration

Once we have rolled back the specific migration, we can refresh it by re-executing the migration file. Laravel migration system provides the migrate command to run all outstanding migrations. However, if we want to refresh a specific migration, we need to specify the path to the migration file. Here’s how we can refresh a specific migration:

php artisan migrate --path=/database/migrations/2019_08_04_000000_create_users_table.php

In the above command, we have specified the path to the migration file we want to refresh. Laravel migration system will execute the up method of the migration file, which will recreate the users table.

Note that refreshing a specific migration will not affect other migrations or tables in the database.


In this article, we have discussed how to refresh a specific migration in Laravel. Refreshing a specific migration allows developers to revert the changes made by a specific migration file. To refresh a specific migration, we need to rollback the migration using the migrate:rollback command and then re-execute the migration file using the migrate command with the –path option. The Laravel migration system is a powerful tool that enables developers to manage database schema changes efficiently.

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