How to Create Custom Log File in Laravel

Create custom log file in laravel; In this tutorial, we would like to show you how to create custom log file in laravel apps.

Logging is a critical aspect of web application development as it helps in monitoring and debugging the application. Laravel provides a robust logging system that logs application events to various channels, such as files, databases, and Slack. In this article, we will discuss how to create a custom log file in Laravel.

How to Create Custom Log File in Laravel

Using the following steps, you can create custom log file in laravel; as following:

  • Step 1: Create a custom log channel in config/logging.php
  • Step 2: Use the custom log channel in the application
  • Step 3: View the custom log file

Step 1: Create a custom log channel in config/logging.php

The first step is to create a custom log channel in the config/logging.php file. Open the file and add the following code to the channels array:

'custom_log' => [
    'driver' => 'single',
    'path' => storage_path('logs/custom.log'),
    'level' => 'debug',

In this code, we create a new log channel named “custom_log.” We set the driver to “single,” which means the logs will be stored in a single file. We specify the path of the log file using the storage_path() function. Finally, we set the log level to “debug” to log all messages.

Step 2: Use the custom log channel in the application

Once we have created the custom log channel, we can use it in the application. To use the custom log channel, we need to call the logger function and specify the custom log channel as follows:

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Log;

Log::channel('custom_log')->info('Custom log message');

In this code, we use the Log facade to call the channel() method and specify the “custom_log” channel. We then call the info() method and pass the log message as an argument.

Step 3: View the custom log file

The custom log file will be stored in the storage/logs directory of your Laravel application. You can open the file and view the logs using a text editor or a log viewer tool.


Creating a custom log file in Laravel is a simple process. By creating a custom log channel and using it in the application, we can log application events to a separate file, making it easier to monitor and debug the application. The custom log file can be viewed using a text editor or a log viewer tool.

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