Python Program to Calculate Net Bill Amount After Discount

Python program to calculate net bill amount after discount; Through this tutorial, i am going to show you how to calculate net bill after discount in python.

In this tutorial, i will write a python program to find the net bill amount after discount.

Python Program to Calculate Net Bill Amount with Discount

  • Algorithm to find/calculate the net bill amount with the discount
  • Python program to calculate the final bill amount to be paid by a customer

Algorithm to find/calculate the net bill amount with the discount

  • Take input net amount by using python input() function.
  • Calculate or find final bill amount to be paid by a customer using if elif else statement.
  • End of the program print the amount to be paid by a customer.

Python program to calculate the final bill amount to be paid by a customer

See the following python program to calculate discount on total purchase in python; as shown below:

# input net amount
amt = int(input("Enter Amount: "))
# calculate amount with discount
    if amt<=5000:
       disc = amt*0.10
    elif amt<=15000:
    elif amt<=25000:
        disc=0.20 * amt
         disc=0.5 * amt
    print("Discount Amount : ",disc)
    print("To be paid by Customer : ",amt-disc)
    print("Invalid Amount")

Output of the python program to calculate discount on net bill:

Enter Amount:  10000
Discount Amount :  1500.0
To be paid by Customer :  8500.0

Take Input amount from user by using python input() function and calculate the discount using the if elif else statement based on the input amount, and at the last of this program print the final net amount to be paid by customer.

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