JavaScript Replace(): All String Replace

Javascript string replace() method; Through this tutorial, i am going to show you javascript string.replace() method with the help of it’s syntax, parameters, and examples.

JavaScript String Replace()

  • What is String Replace()
  • Syntax of JavaScript String Replace()
  • Parameters of JavaScript String Replace()
  • Example 1 – JavaScript String Replace()
  • Example 2 – JavaScript String Replace()
  • Example 3 – JavaScript String Replace()

What is String Replace()

The JavaScript string replace() method searches a string for a specified value or a regular expression, or keyword, and replace match search string to given string, returns a new string

Syntax of JavaScript String Replace()

See the following syntax of string replace() method; as shown below:

 string.replace(search_value, new_value);

Parameters of JavaScript String Replace()

See the parameters of string replace() method; as shown below:

search_valueThis is the first parameter and required. The value, or regular expression, that will be replaced by the given value
new_valueThis is the second parameter and required. The given value to replace the search value.

Example 1 – JavaScript String Replace()

Here, i will take first example using string replace() method; as shown below:

    var str = "My fav car color is black";
    var res = str.replace(/black/g, "silver");
    document.write( "Output :- " + res ); 

Output of the above code is:

 Output :- My fav car color is silver 

Example 2 – JavaScript String Replace()

Take next example of string replace() method with case-insensitive string:

    var str = "My fav bike color is Black";
    var res = str.replace(/black/gi, "white");
    document.write( "Output :- " + res ); 

Output of the above code is:

 Output :- My fav bike color is white 

Example 3 – JavaScript String Replace()

Take third example of javascript string replace all with regexp:

   var str = 'this is the sentence to end all sentences';
   var res = str.replace(new RegExp('sentence', 'g'), 'message');
   document.write( "Output :- " + res ); 

Output of the above code is:

 Output :- this is the message to end all messages 

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