How to Display Image on View in CodeIgniter

To display/show image on view in codeIgniter; In this article, we will explain how to display an image on the view in CodeIgniter.

How to Display Image on View in CodeIgniter

Using the following step you can display/show image on view file in codeIgniter apps:

  • Step 1: Store the Image File in the Project’s Assets Folder
  • Step 2: Pass the Image Path to the View
  • Step 3: Display the Image on the View
  • Step 4: Load the URL Helper

Step 1: Store the Image File in the Project’s Assets Folder

The first step is to store the image file in the project’s assets folder or any other folder of your choice. You can create an assets folder in the root directory of your project and store all the images there. Make sure the folder is accessible to the webserver.

Step 2: Pass the Image Path to the View

In the controller function that loads the view, pass the image path to the view as a variable. For example, let’s say you have an image called “myimage.jpg” in the “assets/images” folder. You can pass the image path to the view like this:

$data['image_path'] = 'assets/images/myimage.jpg';
$this->load->view('my_view', $data);

In the above code, we have passed the image path as a variable called “image_path” to the view. We will use this variable in the view to display the image.

Step 3: Display the Image on the View

In the view, use the img tag and the base_url() function to create the image URL. The base_url() function generates the URL to the root of the website. Here is an example code snippet:

 <img src="<?php echo base_url($image_path); ?>" alt="My Image">

In the above code, we have used the img tag to display the image. The src attribute of the img tag contains the URL to the image. We have used the base_url() function to generate the URL to the image. The $image_path variable contains the path to the image that we passed from the controller.

Step 4: Load the URL Helper

Before using the base_url() function, make sure you have loaded the URL helper in your controller or in the autoload file. You can load the URL helper like this:


The above code will load the URL helper, which contains the base_url() function.


Displaying an image on the view in CodeIgniter is a simple task. You just need to store the image in the assets folder, pass the image path to the view, and use the img tag and the base_url() function to display the image. By following these simple steps, you can easily display images on the view in CodeIgniter.

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